Mr Walker Consultant Ophthalmologist FRCOphth
Welcome to my website dedicated to Eyes and Vision
01270 256503

I am a strong proponent of the uses of botox in strabismus. It is an extremely useful adjunct to traditional squint surgery.
Sometimes botox can avoid the need for surgery and be used as a primary treatment - especially for small angle squints where a permanent reduction can be achieved.
Botox is often to be recommended for adults with a large angle squint, as a chance to temporarily align the eye and ensure there is no risk of causing problematic double vision.
After surgery, botox can also be used to achieve small enhancements if needed.
In my hands, botox takes up well about 95% of the time and achieves close to the desired effect. Most people are suitable to have this with anaesthetic drops, reporting they feel very little if anything; if preferred, a short general anaesthetic can be used.
There are some practicalities with botox, sometimes under or overworking, or giving a temporary droopy eyelid, but these should be considered as only a short-term temporary nuisance. Serious potential risks are severe behind the eye bruising or even blindness - these have not occurred within my own practice.