Mr Walker Consultant Ophthalmologist FRCOphth
Welcome to my website dedicated to Eyes and Vision
01270 256503

NHS equipment charitable donations welcome
The NHS is rather cash strapped these days.
This means requests for even basic equipment go unheeded. It can be very frustrating.
I have great faith in the goodwill power of philanthropy. Hence I hereby propose the following charitable route solutions:
In the paediatric ophthalmology clinic at Leighton Hospital Crewe where I work with my team, we hope to fund both basic vital pieces of kit as well as the latest technology to be able to offer a proper 21st century service to all the children we see.
New toys, posters, tablet devices and flat screen TV monitors to really engage even the most tricky co-operation little ones - target £1,500.
New orthoptic equipment - target £2,000.
Video indirect ophthalmoscope to capture images of the eye, especially for premature neonates - target £10,000.
An auto screening device to get a basic refraction spectacle idea on even the most wriggly - target £5,000.
And a top item - an Optos imaging camera. Fantastic wide field imaging tool, helpful in a wide range of retinal disorders from babies and all ages of children (right up to the elderly in fact) - target £80,000.
If you can and would like to generously offer any level of support please contact us. Cheques should be made out to Leighton Hospital Charitable Fund, and posted via the address link button. Alternatively use the Paypal button. Funds will be ring-fenced for the Ophthalmology Paediatric Eye Clinic use. All sponsors if so desired will be honoured within a proudly displayed wall plaque in clinic.
My sincere gratitude and thanks!