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Cheers to laughter

A present in the gift-wrapped form of Laurel & Hardy. Lovingly edited by Phagl, thanks!

My absolute all-time favourite comedians. Sirs, I bow to your genius ability to spread happiness, over the world, over time. To be truly this funny is nearly an impossible joke in itself.

Never underestimate the power of a good belly laugh, enough to bring tears to your eyes.

Humour benefits our health!

It's innate. Babies start at it. Children abound in it.

Why let adult stresses ebb in the way of life's best medicine.

Refine what matters most.

Enjoy a perspective of fun everyday.

Let creativity flourish anew.

Live life to the full.

And remember:

"You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be led."

Or else I'll take it up with my Barrister.

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